2023 Ekim Ayı eTwinning Çalışmamız

2023 Ekim Ayı eTwinning Çalışmamız

2023 Ekim Ayı eTwinning Çalışmamız

24.10.2023 301

İngilizce öğretmenimiz Banu YILMAZ’ ın hazırladığı ve 26 Eylül 2023 tarihinde ESEP sistemi üzerinden gönderdiği projenin kabul edildiğini bir gün sonra gelen e.mail ile öğrendik. Ziya Gökalp Ortaokulu olarak “Our Target Language, Our Target Culture” adlı projenin kurucusu olmaktan dolayı çok mutlu ve gururluyuz. Ekim ayında başlayıp, Mayıs ayında bitecek ve toplamda sekiz ay sürecek olan projemizin yardımcı kurucusu Sırbistan’dan Radmila Kovacevic ’tir.  Üyelerimiz ise Yunanistan, İspanya, Polonya ve Fransa’dır. Toplamda altı ülke olarak çalışacağımız bu projemizin amacı hedef dilimiz olan İngilizce’yi kültürünü öğrenerek geliştirmektir. Bunu yaparken bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri ile web2.0 araçlarını kullanacağız ve sadece İngilizcemizi değil BİT ve Web 2.0 araçları becerilerimizi de geliştireceğiz. Karışık yaşlardan oluşan eTwinning kulübü üyeleriyle yürüteceğimiz projemizde yedinci sınıflardan sekiz öğrenci lider öğrenciler olarak Twinspace de çalışacaklardır.

Ekim ayında çalışmalarımıza başladık. Projemizin afişini ve tanıtım videosunu hazırladık. Öğrencilerimiz avatarlarını ve kendilerini tanıttıkları sunumları hazırladılar.












Hello! We are from Sivas, Turkey. Sivas is in the middle of Turkey. It is very cold and snowy in winters, but very hot and dry in summers. Our school is Ziya Gökalp Secondary school. There are 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades in our school. There are three administrators, thirty-eight teachers and 764 students at school. It’s a very big, crowded, popular, and long-established school in the centre of Sivas. There are a lot of famous and important (living or dead) people graduated from our school. Its history goes back nearly a hundred years ago.  Our school name comes from a famous writer and poet, Ziya Gökalp. We are all pleased to take part in this project and meet you. We are sure that we will make successful project. 



Hello! I'm Banu YILMAZ.


Hello! I'm Banu YILMAZ. I'm an English teacher at Ziya Gökalp Seconday School. I've been teaching for eighteen years. I love eTwinning project work, handcraft, preparing board and teaching-learning materials, knitting, travelling. The picture above was drawn by one of my students SI. ÇE.
I would like to thank her for drawing this beautiful picture for me. I believe that we will have a great project work all together.








 While I was preparing my work ....

26-10-2023 26-10-2023
 Hello! My name is EN.AR.I'm in the seventh grade at Ziya Gökalp Secondary school.My favourite colors are blue and red.When I grow up,I want to be a football player.My favourite football team is Fenerbahçe.I love Real Madrid,too. My favourite school subjects are Maths and English. I'm sure that we will  learn so many things and have fun in this project together.  Hello! I'm SI. CE. I'm a student at Ziya Gökalp Secondary School. I'm of medium height and of medium weight. I have green eyes and long, dark, brown hair. I'm cheerful and social. I take Art course on Thursday and Friday. I drew portrait of our teacher Banu Yılmaz. I love drawing picture very much. I also like reading book. My favourite book is Harry Potter. I'm very happy to be here.





 Hello ! My name is AR. AK  I am a student a in the seventh grade at Ziya Gökalp Secondery school. My favorite football team Beşiktaş and my favourite football player is Ronoldo. I also like Quaresma in Beşiktaş. My favourite class is Maths and English. I want to be an attorney when I grow up. My favourite colors are black and purple. I'm very happy to be here.

 26-10-2023 Hello! I’m Ya. Ke. I study at Ziya Gökalp Secondary School. I’m in the seventh grade and twelve years old. I have short, black  hair and big brown eyes. I’m  tall and a bit plump. I’m talkative and outgoing but clumsy. My hobbies are playing the guitar, computer games and drawing the picture. My favourite color is lime blue. My favourite classes are Maths and Science because I’m goood at solving  problems. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Nice to meet all of you.